
I haven't used flickr in ages, but here are links to two sets I uploaded today:
The Bronx Zoo with friends
The Botanical Gardens with my extension tube


First ART post!

I don't expect many people to be watching this journal, so I don't think I'm going to apologize for posting art that people have already seen. Anyway, I think people who will see this are most likely going to be my parents, so - hi Mom & Dad! Today is my Dad's birthday, actually. Happy birthday, Daddo.

So this is going to be a kind of random grab of a few images from my computer and it's likely that none of this art is very new, but it should all be from this year at least (...I think).

I kind of just liked that hand - hands are hard. They seldom come out looking any good.

I did an icon trade with Felix. I love what he did for me, I hope he liked this as much as I like his!

Lyrics from a song I very much love. Drastic lighting is really hard and I haven't had much practice at all, so it's not great.

This one is actually not from this year, really. The sketch was done in '08 some time, then I added the red ink and attacked the figures with grey brush pen marker thing, which was SO MUCH FUN. ...i should go find that marker, I don't know where it is.

Asymmetrical and pretty sloppy, but that's what I get for drawing without a pencil. Oh well.


First post

I have an old blog on this site [not for art], but the last time I ever used it I don't think there was that nice 'follow' option, or whatever. People seem to be making blogs here for their art left and right and I am jumping that bandwagon, I guess. Nothing to show yet, though.